fredag 30 augusti 2013


We are in Scotland!


Arrived as planned to Fraserburgh after 3 days and nights on the North sea. Left Kristiansand, Norway on Friday and the weather was fine.. Around 12 kn from east, Saturday was a bit rougher with some 25 kn blowing for almost 20 hours so waves built up and steering took alot of concentration. Going two persons without an autopilot is hard. In rough weather its harder. I didnt sleep much for the 3 days, maybe around 6 hours alltogether. After the wind droped a bit we entered the oil rigg area and saw lots of theese huge steel monsters. Sunday was calm with too little wind at some times, the sea lay flat, the sun dried or clothes and dolphins kept us company for hours.

Sea and sky and marina and dolphins and sun and clouds and and and

After three days we saw land again, we smelled of salt, sweat and lack of sleep, the hard days at sea had gotten my beard to grow explosivly.
We arrived in Fraserburgh a busy fishing harbour which smelled of oil and dead birds, after taking a shower sleeping for many hours and discovering the crazy tides of scotland we moved on to a cosier marina, whitehills. We're a bit stuck here for some days now, Winds blowing west, and blowing hard.
OMG the fishing boats looks so small, like matchboxes next to S/Y Tintomara. Fraserburgh

I'll leave you with this video from Whitehills marina, filmed just few hours ago, nice not to be out in this weather :D

onsdag 21 augusti 2013

Most beutiful birthday gift !

 This morning I woke up with a feeling of being flattened under the night. Yesterday I woke up with a sore throat so I started the day with buying a lots of ginger and lemon. My best home remedies from my grand mother is to drink a lot of lemon juice to cure a sore throat and I promise it really do works! But than the evening came I started to feel worse and under the night I even got fever, so it was a hell of a night, but after a little pill from the medicine-box I soon was sleeping like a baby. 
But this still made things much more complicated, our plan was to leave today but since I was feeling that bad yesterday we diseaded to delay our journey for tomorrow. Today I will try to be kind to myself and body and sleep a good night sleep so that.. everything will be just fine. Goodbye Norway and Scotland here we come!
Like Henrik wrote in the last message we where at Horton reggae festival this weekend with our beutiful friends, Simon and Bea! And there where also some nice photographer that took some nice photos, watch it here:

måndag 19 augusti 2013

Mr. Orkester playing and Marina performing Aerial silk in the background. Horten Roots and reagee festival.

Left the boat for few days to make performances at a festival close to Oslo, made some acrobatic shows and paining and this and that. Still in kristiansand since the winds has been straight from the west. NOW finally we leave, this wednstday, nice calm winds over the north sea.. Next stop Scotland!

tisdag 13 augusti 2013

Practice and streetshows, Kristiansand, Norway

Let's be equal, Ok?

Sailing in the sunrise!

It is small, but not to small;)

Still in Kristiansand. We have been here for a little bit more than a week. This week our plan was to continue to scotland, but because of the wheather and how the wind are blowing we may have to wait a bit. But the plan is to continuing north after thursday. (We have a show for a school here on thursday!)

The premiere of our show went really good. Maybe less money than expected, since there are a lot of tourist and people with much money in their pockets around here. But for me I think it was much, and I feel much more secure in what we are doing now! We still have to practise some parts and wants to develop it further, so hopefully scotland will see much more of us :)

It has been a great time here in Kristiansand and we have started to almost feel a little bit to comfortable, with close connections with the city, a free place to stay, sweetfriends closeby, dinners, making shows and stuff. But in the same time I have started to feel a little bit of distress in my body that says, don't stay to long, you have to get going...
And every morning I can feel and smell the autumn coming closer and closer, that also makes me feel a bit in a hurry, because I really don't want us to be stuck here, with our big plans stuck in our heads, and stoped because of the coldness and hard winds. I don't know nothing about autumn storms, or things like that, if there are any, but I could just imagine what it could be like, and the colder it gets the less comfartable it will be.
Well I see it as an adventure. I am up for anything. I guess, and in the same time I am scared. Because I know we are small in front of the big oceans, and I know why Henrik are so keen on having everything exact and precise. Sometimes it makes me want to scream, "What the hell, can't we just Do it!" but in the same time I know that it is for our safety, and I know he is scared to, and that is because he knows..
Just to different types of fears, but almost the same.

One evening an old man come walking by, we where having dinner with friends on the boat. He asked us about swedish pilotbooks to download from the internet, it ended up with a really nice new friendship. It turned out he had been sailing for quit many years, and he had a lot of good stories to give! He helped us a lot and gave us some books for scotland and the meditarranean and so on, that was really great. He also made me feel more comfartable in the position of sailing.
I really liked the way he was talking to us, like we all where equal. I guess I havn't felt that for a while, since this sailing world are mostly for men its seemed like.. And that have also maked me feel really lonely and angry a lot of times.
The first thing I got to hear than we arrived to Kristiansand was: "Oh, how brave of you!" And it wasn't because I never sailied before, because he didn't know that.. And such things makes me just tired, and sad and of course angry at times. Even if there is a truth that Henrik knows more about boats and sailing, I would like to be given as much respect as any other. Ok, maybe that man wasn't the best to repeat, but there is just this looks, or maybe worst no looks, than they not even ask or pretend I am there. It just hopeless.

I have realized now that this is why I allways have had this strong feeling I just have to improve somthing, I have to get jobs and make myself really strong so I can be able to show them. Just because I am small, I am a girl, it doesn't have to mean I am in a certain way.
But I like to look "girly" or what the hell they would like to put the label on it. I like to wear dresses, and wear make up sometimes. I like to fool around on playgrounds for children, laugh really high in librarys, and dance half naked in the city sqaure.
But please don't judge me before you even know me. Please just let me be me. And I will let you be you.

I guess, I should not care. I should not even hasitate to think of this what they are thinking. And oftenly I don't, but sometimes it is just to hard not to.

 It is than you don't even give me the respect of looking at me as your equal.
Home, from above


We have a "house"duck! ;)

torsdag 8 augusti 2013

Marina after Aerial-silk training


In the beginning of next week sailing across the North sea to Inverness to go throught the Caledonia canal. Later head south.. Kind of looking for a crew member for the North sea crossing since we dont have an autopilot. So if your interested get over here. Fast. Otherwise we'll do it anyways and sleep for some days when arriving in Fraserburgh in Scotland. (around 300 nm)


måndag 5 augusti 2013

Kattegatt was calm this evening, If Denmark had mountains they would be seen on this picture.

Nice bay, nice weather, weird houses and jellyfish, ARENDAL

OMG  the Operahouse looks so small, like a matchbox next to S/Y Tintomara, KRISTIANSAND
3 mooring lines and an anchor, LILLESAND

Bringing the second hand liferaft to be repacked, GOTHENBURG
Goodbye cakes party, GOTHENBURG

lördag 3 augusti 2013

Första etappen avklarad!

Så nu har Marinas och Henriks reseblogg blivit offentlig gjord. Här planerar vi att skriva och lägga upp bilder på vår färd över jordens vatten. Det kommer skifta vem som skriver så håll till godo, ni som längtar efter Henriks skönskrift.

Min version av vår första etapp:

Oj, det var fartfyllt. Min första "riktiga" segling och det var blåsigare och mer höga vågor. Jag kände mig ganska kass i stunder då jag inte visste vad jag skulle ta mig till och Henrik fick göra mycket.. Illamåendet kom också ganska snart och tog över, det var obehagligt. Det tog oss ett dygn och en dag att ta oss över till Norge från Göteborg och då kom vi ändå inte hela vägen till Kristiansand som var vår tänkta slutdestination, utan i sista stund bestämde vi oss för att stoppa i Arendal istället, en mycket fin liten fjord.
Vi kom dit sent på kvällen söndagen den 28e juli (precis innan solen gick ner..puuuh!)

Sedan dess har vi tagit oss längs norges kust med kortare dagsetapper, då första resan tog ganska hårt på oss båda och jag tyckte det var väldigt skönt att få testa på mer under mindre "livsavgörande" färder.. även om segling handlar mer om liv och död än vad jag kanske hade förutsett från början..
Men det är spännande och jag har lärt mig så sjukt mycket på bara den här korta tiden. Knopar, hur en styr vinden dit en vill, att hålla i ordning på en båt, ööööhh.. ja mycketmycket mer. Livet på en båt.

Dock det mest fina och det som jag tycker om med resan är väl frihetskänslan som det ger att bo och leva på en båt. Att kunna ta med sig sina grejer sitt hem till näst..

vi måste gå nu jag frotsätter en annan dag!!